Protected Classes: A Step Above and Superior to Unalienable Rights

I just heard the news concerning the verdict of the Oregon cake maker who refused to create a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. The verdict was for the couple and against the baker. No surprise to me. This is Oregon we are talking about after all. But that does not diminish my angst at the ruling. This decision is flawed on many levels but that again is nothing new the with modern day interpretation of jurisprudence. This is just another in a long line of attacks against the values and laws this country was founded upon and thrived under.

To think a person has a right to make someone else perform an activity is misguided. We have a word for that. Slavery. Or maybe indentured servitude since there is a payment. Either way, it takes away the person’s ability to control their own lives because of the will of another. Who owns your life? You, a stranger or maybe the courts or government? The true answer should be clear. Reality. however, is showing a different answer.

The most fundamental unalienable right a person possesses is the right to life. You and you alone are responsible for your own life. Your life is yours to live however you want as long as you infringe on no one else’s rights. The living of your life is what we refer to as liberty. When someone tries to introduce into that equation any type of coercion or force to make you do something you do not want to, then your most basic rights are being violated.

In this case, two lesbians went into a bakery shop, since closed by the way, and ordered a wedding cake, The owners of the bakery said they could not design a cake for such a purpose, but they were free to get anything else in the bakery. The bakers stated that a marriage performed for gays was not in accordance with their Christian beliefs and they would not use their talents to participate. The couple insisted on the wedding cake and were refused. They then left.

Instead of doing what a normal couple would do and find another baker to make the cake, they decided to sue. They complained to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries saying they were refused a cake because of their sexual orientation. That bureau eventually slapped a $135,000 fine on the bakers and the bakers appealed. This latest decision is the results of that appeal.

Instead of telling their story and letting the public (consumers) decide the fate of the bakery, this couple instead choose to use the power of government to enforce their will. I cannot find it anywhere, but I am guessing they did indeed buy a cake from another bakery for their wedding which occurred. So a cake was had yet the lawsuit went forward because they couldn’t get a cake. They were offended because a specific baker denied the use of his services to make a cake. Being offended in today’s society seems to be a cash cow for those with special government protection.

Because they couldn’t get a cake from a specific baker, and because of the ensuing controversy, this couple claimed to have experienced an array of maladies. This is a partial list of the 88 symptoms they claimed to have suffered from because of the ordeal. An “acute loss of confidence”, “doubt”, and “uncertainty”. They claimed they “felt mentally raped, dirty and shameful”, had “high blood pressure”, “impaired digestion”, “weight gain” and “loss of appetite”. The said they suffered “excessive sleep”, “migraine headaches” and were “pale and sick at home after work”. One or both of them began a “resumption of smoking habit”. They also were fraught with “shock”, were “stunned”, “surprise”, and had “worry.” For that and other symptoms they received a total of $135,000.

“It does not matter how you were born or who you love. All of us are equal under the law and should be treated equally. Oregon will not allow a ‘Straight Couples Only’ sign to be hung in bakeries or other stores,” This is the couples idea of justice. The ideals of liberty are wiped away because of someone’s feelings or special protections. The idea that if someone doesn’t get their way, they then sue because they are being discriminated against because of who they are. And, oh yeah, only certain classes are protected in this ideal.

Realize the truth here – A “protected” class of people have superior rights above and beyond the unalienable rights that we regular humans possess. They are “special” because of their deviation from the rest of society. They get special “rights” because of their minority status. Because of this special privilege, they are superior in the eyes of the law. If you are not protected then no one in government really cares.

Another incident that occurred during this time period found the baker’s GoFundMe account closed because GoFundMe’s deemed that the bakers were wrong. Along these lines, what about the musicians who refused to perform for Trump’s inauguration? What about the dressmakers who publicly refused to design Melania Trump’s dresses? These ideas are parallel and hypocrisy is what separates them.

What also separates them is the people “offended” acted like adults, not spoiled kids and got their products somewhere else. Real Americans take this issue into their own hands and if offended enough start a boycott to make the business see reason. I cite Target and the NFL among the most recent. Chick Fil A also had this idea applied to it..

The idea that someone who is offended can invoke the bureaucracy to strike back at the people who offended them is malicious and dangerous. The idea that someone who doesn’t get to participate with a specific business for whatever reason can invoke the power of government without due process and get awarded money is a gross miscarriage of justice. No one has a right to tell another person how to use their life. It is true fascism to think government should be able to tell a business how to operate. But that is exactly where we are at. The same people that cheer Antifa also support fascism.  How is that for hypocrisy? Whatever happened to the leftist mantra of “pro-choice”?

This is a very slippery slope we have engaged upon. it is my hope that the Supreme Court rules on the very similar case it now has before it, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, correctly. Whatever the courts do or don’t say, it is time for we the people to have our voices heard.

Bureaucracies ruining a family business and courts telling us what the law is and how to act need to be opposed. The “snowflake” mentality of injury because of perceived persecution needs to be fought. When we allow the courts and bureaucracy to dictate how our lives are to be lived then we are no longer free and are being ruled by an oligarchy. Our constitutional republic must be preserved and fought for. Liberty must triumph. Patriots Awake!

Join me at Constitutional Cappuccino to get plugged into a website that is all about the education Americans need to move our country back to its proper trajectory. My new book “Patriot Ammo: The Words Behind Our Flag” is also available and teaches of our founding documents and principles. The book would make a great present for anybody 15 and up.

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